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Blended Learning

What is Blended Learning?

The term “Blended Learning” is translated into Czech as “smíšené učení” and relates to educational and training solutions that combine different methods of learning, use a wide range of technologies, and connect traditional forms of training with e-learning.

Why Blended Learning?

The purpose of providing Blended Learning is to offer a range of educational tools and experience that focus on the best methods of learning for all participants.

It is in the best interest of each company to provide maximum opportunities the most effective way to its employees to make understanding of training contents easier.

The most successful companies are the companies that invest in human capital by providing their employees with education and support which they need to successful performance of work goals to grow within a company.

With Maxwell Blended Learning, companies may use various attitudes and activities and create an optimum training programme. Individual participants may be trained and educated when they have time using educational methods they prefer.

If you are interested in education for your company using the form of Blended learning, please, contact us.


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